Corsairs and Yaks over Chinnamp'o: 21-Apr-51

by Joe Ferrara

Background: Two F4U-5s for VMF-311, off the USS Bataan, were bounced by a flight of Yaks. The Reds damaged the US leader, Capt Phillip DeLong,. However, his wingman shot the attacking Yak off his tail. In the ensuing melee three Yaks were definitely shot down and the fourth was damaged and credited as a "probable" kill.

Map: Blue Sky

Aircraft: United Nations = Two F4U-5
North Korean = Four Yak-9D

Set Up: The F4Us begin in hexes 2830 and 3130, heading west, altitude 8.0, speed 7.0, wings level. Set up Yak #1 no closer than four hexes to the lead Corsair at any desired altitude, speed and bank. The remaining Yaks are set up within 3 hexes and 3 altitude levels of the Yak leader, and behind his 3-9 line.

Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rules

  1. Turn 1 initiative and combat:
    1. F4U #1 moves ahead straight and level at cruise speed.
    2. All Yaks then move as desired.
    3. F4U #2 then moves as desired.
    4. F4U #2 is unsighted and may never be fired on during turn one.
  2. Use normal initiative for turn 2 and all subsequent turns.
  3. The playing area is fixed. Any aircraft that exits before turn 10 is immediately considered shot down for full VPs plus any damage existing at that time.

Additional Rules:

Pilot Quality :


Source: Hallion, The Naval Air War in Korea, p 156.

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