Re: Philosophy of Mgmt LO3058

John O'Neill (
Wed, 4 Oct 95 14:51:09 +1000

Replying to LO3055 --


It is interesting to see how changing your perspective of the world
changes the way you think about the world. This mailing list continually
produces literature that I would never have discovered on my own. For this
message, I'd like some references to the following areas, so I can at
least pretend to understand whatever debate follows:

- E.A. Singer Jr work on producer-product relationships
- Ackoff's methods for engaging in effective management
- Eric Dent's stuff - in particular what is persectival observation?

Perhaps we should maintain a Web page of references relating to LO's that
this list is continually producing?

John O'Neill
DSTO C3 Research Centre, Australia
"John O'Neill" <>